Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I've been wanting to do this for years...

And Wired on Refuge tonight sealed the deal.
Let me explain:
I've been knitting and crocheting since I was 7. My Grandma taught me, mostly because I was one of those kids who needed something do to so I wouldn't annoy everyone in the room. And it was also funny because I'm left handed and she's right handed. But anyway that's how it began.
So I've only really been knitting for myself and sometimes for gifts for 12 years. I love it, knitting is incredibly soothing to me.
Back to tonight. I've been wanting to start selling things I've knitted for awhile, but haven't gotten around to actually making it happen. I keep telling myself I'll build up a stash before I sell anything, but not anymore, I have stuff made and I want it to go to a happy home :) I made a couple scarves to sell at our philanthropy event tonight and I want to keep it going!
I'll post pictures and descriptions in the next couple days of what I have right now. Currently I have two or three scarves, one purple and one cream. They're my favorite pattern too..
I'll explain further what my plan are for this in the next post. For now I just want to get something up and get the design looking pretty.
Keep checking back for new stuff and my highly entertaining thoughts on life and knitting.